I'm not a comedian.

I’m a designer, writer, educator, photographer, and runner.

I can’t get you tickets or backstage passes, and I can’t help you if you paid some scammer for a fake VIP experience. If you ask me anyway I’ll add you to my wall of shame.

I began my career as a tech guy and came to design with 20+ years of systems and business analysis experience. I take pride in my work and will not try to sell you crap like the infamous “breathtaking” Pepsi logo.

My pets are an irritable, overly sensitive cat and an aggressively friendly dog. They get along great. Mostly.

I’ve lived in San Antonio, Austin, Dallas, and Tulsa. After 32 years I now live 40 miles from where I grew up. No, I don’t do the Texas two-step. Yes, I own a cowboy hat. Two, in fact.

And no, they are not Stetsons.

I was going to write a more standard about page, but this seemed more interesting. If you really want to read the boring version you can hit my LinkedIn.

If you're interested in working together then check out my commercial site at https://58creative.co.


© 2025 Matthew Rife All rights reserved

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